Here, we have put a scalar after the “animID” factor in the model statement to specify a starting value (optional).Ī series of output files are produced with only “” of ASReml run.
There is no need to define variance structures more specifically because there is only one extra random effect besides the residual term. In ASReml-Standalone we will have to specify: The vectors of b̂ and û represent estimated fixed and predicted random effects, Note also that the matrices X and Z from above are the incidence matrices of fixed and random effects respectively that connect the data with the effects.
In the single record animal model, we often assume that the matrix of variance-covariance of errors, R, is equal to and the matrix of variance-covariance of additive effects, G, is equal to, and these are incorporated into the mixed model equation as shown below: For this example, there will be only fixed effects and additive genetic effects without other random effects to include such as maternal, dominance, and epistasis. “Single record” refers to the fact that animals have only one observation available. This is called animal model because we estimate a breeding value for each animal defined in the pedigree. Single record animal model in ASReml-Standalone versionĪ single record animal model is the simplest mixed model used in animal breeding.